The Big 3-7!


The big 3-7!!! Yes, Monday I turned 37 years old. Isn’t it interesting that my birthday is during Youth Financial Literacy Month? Serendipitous? Here are me and my family celebrating my birthday! After 3 ducks later, duck fried rice, duck noodles and duck soup…we were finally full. Yes, we went to a duck restaurant Sun Wah:)  Then we ended our day at A Taste of Heaven for my favorite cake, Jeannine’s cake…Yummm!










This year has been filled with many wins and challenges. Finding a home for our summer camps at Safety Town. Having a huge success for our Ribbon Cutting with Mayor George Pradel. I learned how to play golf in preparation to play golf at a Trump golf course. I flew on Trump’s helicopter. Speaking on stage in front of 650 entrepreneurs playing full out as kids. The most recent, becoming Best-Selling Author for my book Raising Wealthy Kids: 7 Steps for Creating the First Financially Responsible Generation.  My bigger accomplishment is the person I’ve become since my Spiritual Retreat. As I reflect on all the great work I have accomplished this past year, I have realized that my best work is right here in my home…my children. Their accomplishments are a reflection of my intentional and passionate parenting as a single mom. My daughter got her book published, My wInner Self. I don’t think she knows the extent of this accomplishment and saying that she is an author since age 7. She also won an iPad Mini and is putting herself out there in becoming an entrepreneur earning $1,000 from her book sales. All my kids learned how to play hockey and ice skate this year…my 4 year old Dean learned both roller and ice hockey. My kids are my passion and the reason I do what I do.

As parents, we all want the best for our children. All of us! And so we work so hard to give them just that…all the education and life values they need to go out into the world so they have the best chance to be all that they can be. To live their fullest potential and step into their greatness. In order for them to do this, I need to be modeling these beliefs and live the values I instill in them. But I understand, even if we want the best for our children, sometimes we don’t have the time (this is a big one for me that I overcame this year), or the knowledge base, or we simply don’t know where to start. And that’s why I founded APPEAR – The Association of Proud Parents Educating About Riches. We will give you and your kids a start.

As I move and look forward to my next year of my life, again I reflect on my 5 Pillars of Wealth. I need to have all of this to be living on purpose and to be my truest self.

My 5 Pillars of Wealth

  1. Spiritual
  2. Physical
  3. Emotional
  4. Social
  5. Financial


Without my health, at the end of the day, all I do will not matter. Without my awesome relationships with my children, all that I do will not matter. Without my connection with God, all I do will not matter. Ask yourself, which of these Pillars is not balanced in my life?


To You and Your Wealthy Kids,

Melanie Jane Nicolas

“Live With Passion. Love Unconditionally. Make a Difference.”



P.S. If you missed my book launch last month you can go HERE to buy my new book, Raising Wealthy Kids: 7 Steps for Creating the First Financially Responsible Generation.

P.P.S. Please join our first APPEAR event, Parent Discovery Day on April 30 (more details to come), where we will give you a start on how to raise wealthy children and give them a sense of responsibility, leadership, and how wealth is really created.

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Raising Wealthy Kids Book
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World of Wealth Mini-Camp
Date - Saturday, April 11, 2020
Time - 1:00pm to 4:00pm

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August 10-14 - Ages 11-17

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