Money Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part 3

“If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.” –Brian Tracy

Today we are discussing the 3rd Jar in the series which is the Education Jar. When I speak of education, I’m talking going beyond the traditional school and college system. Your child spends most of his or her childhood and young adulthood in the formal education system. That’s where he or she learns the basics. But what happens after college? Your child is taught to go get a “safe and secure” job. And typically the education stops.

Financial Success Secret

A wise man by the name of Steve Sipress once said, “A lifetime learner is a lifetime earner.” That implies that to be successful, you must continually educate yourself. We all know that education is an investment. You gladly pay for tuition, school fees, books, and supplies. Your kids will acquire technical skills and knowledge that will pay off in the long run in the form of a paying job or maybe even their own business. However, to enjoy continuous success and be a top performer, you must continue to invest in yourself via education.

What Does This Look Like?

Continuous education shows up in the form of seminars, trainings, conferences and retreats. They may be covering technical topics such as technology, sales and marketing. The sole purpose of the seminar may be to enhance your personal development also known as self-improvement.

When you teach your kids to use the education jar, you show them that not only is it okay, but they MUST Always Always Always invest in themselves. Because you are success-driven, you do things that may seem abnormal to the majority of people. When you tell a friend or family member about a conference they call you a “Seminar Junkie.” Or they say, “You’re going to ANOTHER conference?” This is a perfect example of the attitude or mentality that you DO NOT want to model for your children.

Continue to Learn & Grow

So you tell your kids, save 10% of everything you earn. Put that money in your Education Jar. This is for you to continuously invest in yourself and your education. Nothing is more important. If there’s a class you want to take or a new skill you want to learn, you use the funds allocated in this jar. ESPECIALLY in the field of money and financial success, your kids will constantly need to learn and grow. Coaches, live trainings, and home study systems are all part of the package. Sending your child to money camp is the perfect way to train them early for education beyond the classroom.

Right now your kids may want to take enrichment courses in music, language or art. They may want to go to dance class or get advanced training in a hobby like martial arts, hockey or gymnastics. Have them to contribute towards it with the money from the Education Jar.

Thank You for Reading Part III of the Money Jar Series. Stayed Tuned for Part IV.


Please join the conversation and let me know your thoughts below. Feel free to comment, share, and ask questions.


To You and Your Kids’ Wealth,



Melanie Jane



Related Articles:

Money Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part I

Money Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part II

Money Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part IV

Money Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part V

Money Jars: The Kid-Proof System for Saving and Spending Money: Part VI



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