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From the Desk of Melanie Jane Nicolas – May 2012


This past week has been the most inspiring days of my life.  As many of you know, I have had the pleasure of being a part of the Top One Coaching family, and I just came back from Dallas at an event they provide twice a year called Mega Partnering, The World’s #1 Wealth Networking Conference.  To be in an environment with a common vision of entrepreneurial success, I yearned to share this experience with you, wishing you were there with me to experience all the greatness each individual had to offer.  To have conversations with Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, and Eric Trump, who raised $650,000 for his foundation that helps kids with cancer, I did not want the event to end.


The best way I can share this experience with you is to share with you some of the words of wisdom the speakers had.  28-year-old Eric Trump, in particular, spoke about his principles to live by, with PASSION being the number one.  He said that without passion, one will not be successful to his capacity because he will give up at the first sign of challenge.  “If you don’t have passion, you’ll never be good at it.”  Here are Eric Trump’s principles, and I wish for you to utilize these principles in your journey in life as you see fit.


Eric Trump’s Principles to Live By

1.  There’s no substitute for Passion – “If you don’t have passion, you’ll never be good at it.”


2.  Create & protect your Brand – You stand for your brand in business and in your personal life.


3.  You don’t get anything you don’t ask for.  Negotiate EVERYTHING.  We are so scared of rejection and the word “no” because it is the first thing we learned as kids.  However, you will never know the answer unless you ask for it.  So don’t be scared of the word “no”.


4.  Go with your gut.  Have passion.


5.  Put up your guard.  Protect Yourself. – Whatever you have, there is always someone who wants what you have.  And instead of asking you how you achieved what you have, understand that he may “try” to bring you down.


6.  Fight to the death.


7.  Never let your emotions cloud your judgment.


8.  Think BIG!  Be a Winner! – Successful people always think big.  Donald Trump wrote the book on this – “Think Big.  Kick Ass.”


9.  Get EVEN! – It makes people less likely to do something to you again.  As you can imagine, many people tried to test Donald Trump by threatening to sue him.  They would ask him for $25,000 trying to convince him that it is cheaper to give them the money vs going to court.  Donald Trump would choose to go to court.


I hope this glimpse of Mega Partnering inspired your day.


To You and Your Kid’s Wealth, 
Melanie Jane Nicolas 
America’s Leading Authority In Raising Wealthy Kids 
CEO and Founder of Kids Wealth International Club
Helping Your Kids Get Rich in a Fun Way

From the Desk of Melanie Jane Nicolas – April 2012

Yesterday, I celebrated my 36th Birthday. Some friends took me out to dinner at Bob Chinn’s Crabhouse, where we feasted on three, 6 lb dungeness crabs.

As I sat there amongst my friends, for a minute I looked around the table and got a glimpse of what is most important in my life. You see, having four kids in school and what seems to be 20 different activities, a large extended family, many friends from different walks of my life, and a business to run, sometimes I get too caught up in my never-ending to do lists. Then there’s this over-achieving, control freak inside me that “needs” to have things done right away the right way. I always want to produce!

And sometimes, I feel that just relaxing, having fun outside of my kids, or even just sitting around makes me feel unaccomplished. However, in that minute of silence (to me at least) during my birthday dinner, I realized that having fun with friends and family or sitting around and doing “nothing” is producing. It is producing intimacy and friendships. I told my friend that turning 36 wasn’t too exciting for me because I know it’s past the halfway mark to 40. Yet, I can honestly say that “I am loving life.”

I am loving life not because of the monetary and superficial accomplishments, but because of the relational accomplishments I have had throughout the years. My mom once told me when I was 9 years old that in a lifetime, one is blessed with only one or two TRUE friends. You know, the friends who are there for you and love you no matter what. The friends who won’t question your integrity or character when other people try to make you look bad by making false statements. The friends who applaud you when you are successful and encourage you when you think you’ve failed. The friends who will stick up for you when the mass is against you. You know who I’m talking about. Well, I am blessed with more than two true friends, and so I consider myself one of the “lucky” ones. 

So as my kids grow up with the outside influences of the world, I wish for them to learn early in life that life is about the quality of relationships they cultivate. It is not about the materialistic things they have, nor is it even about the success they create in their lives. Life is about living a life from success to significance. Significance is where the true riches are. Whereas the 3 F’s in success is fame, fortune, and fans, the 3 F’s in significance is faith, family, and friends. And I wish for you and your children not only a successful life, but a life of significance as well. As parents, let’s work together in creating a life of significance for the future of our world…our children. 

To You and Your Kid’s Wealth, 
Melanie Jane Nicolas 
America’s Leading Authority In Raising Wealthy Kids 
CEO and Founder of Kids Wealth International Club
Helping Your Kids Get Rich in a Fun Way

968 Pounds of Candy for our Dedicated Troops!

968 Pounds of Candy

Thank you to all the schools (see below) who  participated in Kids Wealth International Club’s 1st Annual Halloween Candy Buy Back.  We raised 968 pounds of candy for our dedicated troops.  The Halloween candy will be shipped to Operation Gratitude which then ships care packages, each with an individual soldiers name on it, overseas to our courageous troops serving our country worldwide. Those troops are risking their lives every day. If a little piece of candy can provide a moment of happiness, why not? Halloween candy represents a warm memory of life “back home” and children that care enough to donate candy in support of our troops.

The troops love the candy–for themselves, but also to give out to the children in the communities they patrol. Many Service Members have told us that the children gave them information on wherebombs and bad guys were hidden after receiving our candy. They said: “You are not just putting smiles on our faces; you are saving our lives.”

Peterson Elementary – 294 lbs.
4008 Chinaberry Lane, Naperville, IL 60564 – (630) 428-5678

Oak View Elementary – 209 lbs.
150 N. Schmidt, Bolingbrook, Illinois, (630) 759-9300

Chesterbrook Academy – 125 lbs.
2960 Rollingridge Road, Naperville, IL 60564 – (630) 416-1516

Word of Life Lutheran Preschool – 84 lbs.
879 Tudor Drive, Naperville, IL 60563 – (630) 355-7648

Naperville Montessori School – 65 lbs.
2936 Artesian Road, Naperville, IL 60564 – (630) 904-5399

Compass School of Naperville – 57 lbs.
1128 Compass Ct., Naperville, IL 60540 – (630) 983-9190

Panera Bread – 49 lbs.
2775 Show Place Dr, Ste 123, Naperville, IL 60564 – (630) 428-2121

Kids Kampus – 48 lbs.
603 E Diehl Rd # 143, Naperville, IL 60563 – (630) 577-0046

Happy Times Pre School – 29 lbs.
420 W Gartner Rd #1, Naperville, IL 60540 – (630) 355-8282

Zion Lutheran Church & Early Childhood Learning Center 8 lbs.
11007 S Book Road – Naperville, IL 60564 – (630) 904-1124


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